The Lost Traveler

Friday, January 13, 2017

I am calm in nature. But why?

National Geographic recognizes the Lava Store as one of the most unique places to have a gift shop.  This is a little hut, where artisans take dry lava and make jewelry.  It is located at the bottom Volcano Picaya in Guatemala, it took us an hour to hike up this volcano, but it was worth it. I bought a pair of earrings.  Pictured is my best friend Caroline.
Everyday we are overstimulated.  Work is hectic, and the work load increases.  We are constantly having to make decisions.  Some are big, others are small.  We are constantly thinking about what we are doing, what we are going to do, and what has already happened.  Some are anxious about the future, while others are still struggling with the past.  When I go for a hike, or travel to a new country, I feel happy and relaxed.   The past few weeks I began to ask myself why this is.  Then I realized, that when you are out in nature, there is nothing to worry about.  You can simply "be."  To simply be present in the moment is often times very difficult.  Work distracts you from your family, your family distracts you from work.  Life is filled with distractions. Television, social media, responsibilities, are all key factors in keeping our minds too busy.  We are so busy that we can't enjoy the moment.  The answer is out in the woods.  The less stimulation, the happier we are.  We give our brains permission to simply "be."  There are no billboards, no television, and no tempting fast food chains.  It's you and a trail.  The only thing you have to worry about is putting one foot in front of the other.  
Let's all take some time this week to practice being present in the moment.  We owe it to ourselves.
Sunset on top of one of the tallest Mayan ruins, approx. 900 A.D (Shit, that's old) Tikal, Guatemala

Mayan Ruins, Tikal, Guatemala

Mayan Ruins, Tikal, Guatemala


  1. This has a lot of good points! Seems we have some common interests and perspectives!

  2. Thank you so much!!! Feel free to share with friends!!
